博识要义,记备时用,简明有序。pak ɕɨk ʔièw ŋɨè, kɨ̀ bɨì dʑɨ juòŋ, kéˤn mɨaˤŋ ú zɨó. Prendi notojn pri scioj, speciale tiuj lernitaj kaj uzataj nur okaze, sed signifaj, tiel koncize kaj logike kiel eblas.
Kolekto | 收藏夹 ɕu dzaŋ keˤp
kkhn 机械研究与机器人(与自动驾驶) kɨj-ʁèˤj kɨj-kʰɨì-ȵin TP2-4-机人-Robotiko
机械与力学 kɨj-ʁèˤj TH-000-机械-MekaInĝe
电子 dèn-tsɨ́
控制 kʰᵒùŋ-tɕièj TP1-3-自控-Kibernetiko
人工智能(見計算機) ȵin-kᵒuŋ-ʈiè-nəŋ
大部入深学笔记本。 TP1-81-深学
传统方法入机学。 TP1-81-机学-Maŝinlern
数学 ʂuò-ʁoˤk
材料 dzəj-lèw
ngyo 语言及语言学 ŋɨó-ŋɨon H-Lingvo-LeguMin
诸语基课本 Tekstaro
kejk 计科目录 kèj-sʷàn-kɨj TP3-000-计目-Enhav-Informdk
計語 Computerlinguistik H0-87-计语-NLP-NaturLingvPrilabor
TP2-74-数据-DatumScienco (UCB Data100)
dihl 地理 dì-lɨ́ K9-地理-Geografio
La dosierindiko de ĉi tiu noto uzas la esperanton por subteni internacieco, kaj la teksto estas miksaĵo de multaj lingvoj, ĉefe uzante la ĉinan kaj la esperanton, kun aldonaj lingvoj kiel la angla, japana, germana, kaj aliaj.
For GitBook config:
For better compatibility, 'd better write the selector of code blocks as full name, such as javascript
, python
and shell
GitHub now supports $L^AT_EX$ , excité! 注意,为了 GitHub 正确显示公式, $[some expression]$
GitHub には,Markdown 文件内容框的左上角有目录模块。好耶!
Rilataj klasno. laŭ CLC | 相关中图法分类号 | Related CLC (Chinese Library Classification) Codes
Chinese Library Classification
A 马克思主义、列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 | Marxism, Leninism, Maoism and Deng Xiaoping theory
B 哲学、宗教 | Philosophy and religions
B2 中国哲学
B22 先秦哲学(~前220年)
B223 道家
B223.1 老子(李耳)
B8 Cognitive science
B80 思维科学
B804 思维方式
B804.1 抽象思维
B84 心理学
B844 发展心理学(人类心理学)
C 社会科学总论 | Social sciences
C8 统计学 | Statistics in social sciences
C81 统计方法
C819 统计技术设备
C83 世界各国统计资料
C831 世界
C832 中国
D 政治、法律 | Politics and law
D9 法律 | Law
D90 法律理论(法学)
D903 法理学
D91 法学各部门
D911 国家法、宪法
D912.29 经济法
D912.5 劳动法、社会保障法
D912.6 自然资源与环境保护法
D913 民法
D913.4 知识产权法
D913.99 商法
D914 刑法
D915 诉讼法
D915.2 民事诉讼法
D915.3 刑事诉讼法
D915.4 行政诉讼法
D92 中国法律
D921 国家法、宪法
D922.1 行政法
D929 中国法制史
D93/97 各国法律
D99 国际法
E 军事 | Military science
F 经济 | Economics
F0 经济学 | Economics
F01 经济学基本理论
F06 经济学分支科学
F069.9 其他
F2 经济计划与管理 | Economic planning and management
F22 经济计算、经济数学方法
F224 经济数学方法
F224.0 数量经济学
F27 企业经济
F273 企业生产管理
F4 工业经济 | Industrial economics
F40 工业经济理论
F407 工业部门经济
F407.4 金属加工、机械工业
F407.47 交通运输机械工业
F407.471 汽车
F8 财政、金融 | Finance and banking
F83 金融、银行
F830 金融、银行理论
G 文化、科学、教育、体育 | Culture, science, education and sports
H 语言、文字 | Languages and linguistics
H0 语言学 | Linguistics
H01 Phonetics
H019 Method of recitation, oratory of speech
H02 文字学 | Grammatology
H03 Semantics, lexicology and meaning of words
H033 Idiom
H034 Adage
H04 Syntax
H05 Study of writing, rhetoric
H059 Study of translation
H06 Lexicography
H061 Dictionaries
H08 应用语言学
H087 数理语言学
H1 汉语 | Chinese language
H102 Regulation, standardisation of Chinese language, promotion of Putonghua
H109.2 Ancient Chinese language
H109.4 Modern Chinese language
H11 语音 | Phone (historical Chinese phonology)
H12 Grammatology
H17 方言
H171 古代方言
H172 北方话(官话方言)
H172.1 北方方言(华北官话)
H173 吴语(江浙话)
H174 湘语(湖南话)
H175 赣语
H176 客家语
H177 闽语(福佬话)
H178 粤语(广东话、白话)
H179 其他汉语方言
H2 中国少数民族语言 | Languages of China's ethnic minorities
H212 蒙古语
H214 藏语
H215 维吾尔语
H216 苗语
H217 彝语
H218 壮语
H219 朝鲜语
H221 满语
H236 哈萨克语
H282 京语(越南语)
H284 高山语
H3 常用外国语 | Commonly used foreign languages
H31 英语 | English language
H319 英语教学
H32 法语 | French language
H33 德语 | German language
H34 西班牙语 | Spanish language
H35 俄语 | Russian language
H36 日语 | Japanese language
H37 阿拉伯语 | Arabic language
H4 汉藏语系 | Family of Sino-Tibetan languages
H41 壮侗语族(侗傣语族)
H411 老挝语(寮语)
H412 泰语(暹罗语)
H42 藏缅语族
H43 苗瑶语族
H44 越南语
H5 阿尔泰语系(突厥-蒙古-通古斯语系) | Family of Altaic languages (Turkic, Mongolian and Tungusic)
H51 突厥语族
H512 土耳其语
H55 朝鲜语
H6 Language families in other areas of the world
H61 南亚语系(澳斯特罗-亚细亚语系) | Austroasiatic languages and Tai languages (Mainland Southeast Asia))
H62 南印语系(达罗毗荼语系、德拉维达语系) | Dravidian languages (South India)
H622 泰米尔语
H624 卡那拉语
Kannada 吧?
H63 南岛语系(马来亚-玻里尼西亚语系) | Austronesian languages (Malayo-Polynesian)
H631 印度尼西亚语族
H631.1 马来语(马来西亚国语)
H634 玻里尼西亚语族
H634.1 毛利语
H64 东北亚诸语言 | Paleosiberian languages (Siberia)
H65 高加索语系(伊比利亚-高加索语系) | Ibero-Caucasian languages (Caucasus Mountains)
H66 乌拉尔语系(芬兰-乌戈尔语系) | Uralic languages
H661 芬兰语族
H661.1 芬兰语(苏奥密语)
H661.3 爱沙尼亚语
H662 乌拉尔语族
H662.1 匈牙利语
H67 闪-含语系(阿非罗-亚细亚语系) | Afroasiatic languages (Southwest Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa)
H671 闪语族
H671.1 阿卡德语(亚述-巴比伦语)
H671.3 希伯来语
H673 埃及-科普特语族
H7 印欧语系 | Indo-European languages
H71 印度语族
H711 古印度语
H712 印地语
H74 斯拉夫语族
H741 乌克兰语
H743 捷克语
H745 波兰语
H76 日耳曼语族
H761 荷兰语
H762 丹麦语
H763 瑞典语
H764 冰岛语
H765 挪威语
H77 罗马语族
H771 拉丁语
H772 意大利语
H773 葡萄牙语
H774 加泰隆语
H776 罗马尼亚语
H78 凯尔特语族
H781 爱尔兰语
H782 苏格兰语
H783 威尔士语
H791 希腊语族
H791.1 古希腊语
H791.3 新希腊语
H8 Language families on other continents
H81 非洲诸语言 | African languages
H815 尼日尔-刚果语系
H823 班图分语支
H83 美洲诸语言 | American languages
H831 那华特耳语……(墨西哥、危地马拉境内语言)
H832 图皮-瓜拉尼语系(巴拉圭、巴西西南部)
H834 奎出瓦语(秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚)
H836 那瓦荷语(美国西南部)
H839 爱斯基摩-阿留申语系(北美洲极北部)
H84 大洋洲诸语言 | Papuan languages
H9 国际辅助语 | International auxiliary languages (Interlingua, Ido, Esperanto, etc.)
H91 世界语
I 文学 | Literature
J 艺术 | Art
J0 艺术理论 | Theory of fine art
J1 世界各国艺术概况 | Fine art of the world
J11 世界艺术
J110.9 艺术史、艺术思想史
J110.99 艺术流派及其研究
J6 音乐
K 历史、地理 | History and geography
K0 Historical theory
K1 世界史 | History of the world
K10 通史
K108 年表
K8 Biography, archaeology
K9 地理 Geography
K91 世界地理
K919 旅行、游记
N 自然科学总论 | Natural science
O 数理科学和化学 | Mathematics, physics and chemistry
O1 Mathematics
O15 代数、数论、组合理论
O151.2 线性代数
O158 离散数学
O17 数学分析
O23 控制论、信息论(数学理论)
O2 Applied mathematics
O21 概率论与数理统计
O24 计算数学
O241 数值分析
O3 力学 | Mechanics
O4 物理学 | Physics
O6 化学 | Chemistry
O7 晶体学 | Crystallography
P 天文学、地球科学 | Astronomy and geoscience
Q 生物科学 | Life sciences
R 医药、卫生 | Medicine and health sciences
S 农业科学 | Agricultural science
T 工业技术 | Industrial technology
T-0 工业技术理论
T-1 工业技术现状与发展
T-2 机构、团体、会议
T-6 参考工具书
TB 一般工业技术 | General industrial technology
TD 矿业工程 | Mining engineering
TE 石油、天然气工业 | Petroleum, natural gas
TF 冶金工业 | Extractive metallurgy, smelting
TG 金属学与金属工艺 | Metallurgy, metalworking
TH 机械、仪表工业 | Machinery, instrumentation
TH11 机械学(机械设计基础理论)
TH111 机械原理
TJ 武器工业 | Military technology
TK 能源与动力工程 | Power plant
TL 原子能技术 | Nuclear technology
TM 电工技术 | Electrical engineering
TN 无线电电子学、电信技术 | Electronic engineering, telecommunication engineering
TN91 通信
TN918 通信保密与通信安全
TN918.1 理论
TP 自动化技术、计算机技术 | Automation, computer engineering
TP1 自动化基础理论
TP13 自动控制理论
TP18 人工智能理论
TP181 自动推理、机器学习
TP2 自动化技术及设备
TP24 机器人技术
TP27 自动化系统
TP274 数据处理、数据处理系统
TP3 计算技术、计算机技术
TP30 一般性问题
TP301 理论、方法
TP301.6 算法理论
TP303 总体结构、系统结构
TP31 计算机软件
TP311 程序设计、软件工程
TP311.1 程序设计
TP311.13 数据库理论与系统
TP311.5 软件工程
TP311.56 软件工具、工具软件
TP311.561 软件工具
TP312 程序语言、算法语言:依语言名称(或通用简称)的前两个字母区分,不能区分则依次往后取
TP312C++ C++ 语言
TP312JS JavaScript 语言
TP312PY Python 语言
TP314 编译程序、解释程序
TP316 操作系统
TP316.8 网络操作系统
TP317 应用软件(程序包)
TP317.1 办公自动化系统
TP39 计算机的应用
TP391 信息处理(信息加工)
TP393 计算机网络
TQ 化学工业 | Chemical engineering
TS 轻工业、手工业 | Light industry, handicraft
TS8 印刷工业
TS80 一般性问题
TS803 机械与设备
TS803.2 排版设备
TU 建筑科学 | Construction engineering
TV 水利工程 | Water resources, hydraulic engineering
U 交通运输 | Transportation
U1 General transport
U2 Railway transport
U4 公路运输 | Highway transport
U46 汽车工程
U461 汽车理论
U462 整车设计与计算
U463 汽车结构部件
U463.6 电气设备及附件
U463.62 电线、电线接头、线路布置
U464 汽车发动机
U465 汽车材料
U466 汽车制造工艺
U467 汽车试验
U467.4 参数测定的仪器及技术
U468 汽车制造厂
U469 各种汽车
U471 汽车驾驶与使用
U472 汽车保养与修理
U473 汽车用燃料、润滑料
U6 Marine transport
V 航空、航天 | Aviation and Aerospace
X 环境科学、安全科学 | Environmental science
Z 综合性图书 | General works
Rilataj klasno. laŭ Dewey | 相关杜威分类号 | Related Dewey class no.
use as short a class number as possible,
cuz it is just a notebook with non-large scale, not a bibliothek,
and alphabetical order of files will help to find items with same class number, naturally
refer to classic textbooks or so.
library thing 里面点击浏览分类挺方便、直观的
Class 000 – Computer science, information and general works
An auxiliary rule of my applying Dewey: put as many CS-related notes to 004-006 as possible.
000 Computer science, knowledge and systems
000 Computer science, information and general works
001 Knowledge
002 The book (writing, libraries, and book-related topics)
003 System Theory
003.0 Systems Theory -- Subdivisions
003.1 System Identification
003.2 Futuring
003.3 Computer Simulation
003.5 Communication and Control
003.7 Kinds of Systems
003.8 Systems and Time
004 Data processing and computer science | 计算机架构及基础构成
004.0 Computer Hardware -- Subdivisions
004.01 Theory And Instruction
004.015 Computer Mathematics
004.1 By Computer Type
004.2 Computer Architectures
004.3 Modes of Processing
004.33 Real-Time Computing
004.35 Parallel Computing
004.36 Distributed Computing
004.5 Memory and Storage
004.6 Networking
004.65 Network Analysis, Architecture and Design
004.7 Peripherals
004.9 Non-Electronic Computing
005 Computer programming, programs and data | 计算机程序与数据
005.1 Programming
005.11 Techniques
005.114 Functional Programming
005.117 Object-Oriented Programming
005.12 Systems Analysis and Design
005.13 Languages
005.131 Formal Specification; Mathematical Languages
005.133 General Programming Languages
I also includes HTML CSS etc. for convenience
005.136 Assembly Languages
005.14 Software Testing
005.15 Software Documentation
005.16 Maintenance
005.2 Programming for Specific Evironments
005.27 For Networked Multimedia Systems
005.276 Web Programming
005.3 Programs
005.37 Intranets, Servlets
005.4 Systems programming and programs
005.42 Systems programming
005.43 Systems programs
005.44 Operating systems for specific types of computers
005.45 Programming language translators
005.453 Compilers
005.456 Assemblers
005.5 General purpose application programs
005.52 Document Software
005.6 Firmware, Microprogramming
005.7 Data
005.73 Data Structures
005.74 General Databases And Data Files
005.8 Computer Security
005.82 Cryptography and Steganography
not sure about blockchain, to 005.74 or 005.824,, so simply 005
006 Special computer methods (e.g. AI, multimedia, VR)[4] | 计算机之特定应用
006.2 Special purpose systems
006.3 Artificial Intelligence
006.31 Machine Learning
006.32 Neural Networks
006.33 Knowledge-based Systems
006.35 Natural Language Processing
006.37 Machine Vision
006.38 Natural Computing
006.4 Pattern and Speech Recognition
006.5 Digital audio
006.6 Computer Graphics
006.7 Multimedia systems
006.75 Social Programming & Networking
006.76 Web & Multimedia Programming
006.77 Multimedia Programming for Specific Systems
006.78 Programs and Frameworks for Multimedia & Web Presentation
006.8 Virtual Reality
007–009 [Unassigned]
010 Bibliographies
020 Library and information sciences
028 Books and Reading
030 Encyclopedias and books of facts
040 Unassigned (formerly Biographies)
050 Magazines, journals and serials
060 Associations, organizations and museums
070 News media, journalism and publishing
080 Quotations
090 Manuscripts and rare books
Class 100 – Philosophy and psychology
120 Philosophy Of Humanity
123 Chance, Free Will, And Necessity
123.3 Chance
123.5 Free Will
123.7 Necessity
150 Psychology
153 Cognition and Memory
153.1 Learning, Memory, And Motivation
153.2 Formation and association of ideas
153.8 Decision Making And Persuasion
155 Developmental and Differential Psychology
155.2 Individual Psychology
155.24 Coping and Adaptation
Class 200 – Religion
Class 300 – Social sciences
300 Social Sciences
310 Statistics
320 Political Science
330 Economics
330 Economics
330.0 >
330.01 Philosophy and Psychology
330.019 Psychology
330.1 Theory
330.18 Econometrics
331 Labor economics
332 Finance
332.4 Money
332.42 Alternatives To Fiat
338 Production
340 Law
340 Law
340.0 Law
340.09 Biography and History
340.095 Asia
340.1 Theory
341 Law of Nations
342 Constitutional and administrative law
.5 Asia
.51 China & Korea
343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce {trade}, industrial law
344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law [Option B: Law > Europe]
345 Criminal Law
346 Private Law
347 Courts And Procedure
348 Cases, Laws, Regulations
349 By Jurisdiction
350 Public Administration, Military Science
360 Social Problems and services; associations
370 Education
380 Commerce, Communications, Transportation
381 Commerce
381.4 Specific products and services
390 Customs, Etiquette, Folklore
Class 400 – Language
For specific languages, i.e. 420 - 499, abandon Dewey, as it is western-centric. Instead, use 400 plus ISO code.
为方便,为常用汉语变体添加 ISO 693-3 未使用的三位编号:hza
石屏话(shp被 Shipibo-Conibo(施丕博-科尼博)占用,spg被Sian,spi被Saponi,spn被Sanapaná),昆明话暂用kmg
400 Language
400 Language
401 Philosophy and theory, international languages
402 Miscellany
403 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
404 Special topics of language
405 Serial publications
406 Organizations and management
407 Education, research, related topics
407.1 Language--education
408 Groups of people
409 Geographic treatment and biography
410 Linguistics
410 Linguistics
411 Writing systems of standard forms of languages
412 Etymology of standard forms of languages
413 Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
414 Phonology and phonetics of standard forms of languages
415 Grammar of standard forms of languages
416 No longer used — formerly "Prosody"
417 Dialectology and historical linguistics
418 Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
419 Sign languages
420 English and Old English languages
430 German and related languages
440 French and related languages
450 Italian, Romanian and related languages
460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
470 Latin and Italic languages
480 Classical and modern Greek languages
490 Other languages
Class 500 – Natural Sciences and Mathematics
500 General Science
510 Mathematics
510 General Mathematics
511 General Principles
512 Algebra
512.5 Linear, multilinear, multidimensional Algebra
513 Arithmetic
514 Topology
515 Analysis
516 Geometry
517 Calculus
518 Numerical Analysis
519 Applied Mathematics, Probabilities
519.2 Probabilities
519.5 Statistical Mathematics
520 Astronomy
530 Physics
540 Chemistry
550 Earth Sciences & Geology
560 Fossils & Prehistoric Life
570 Life Sciences, Biology
580 Plants
590 Zoology
Class 600 – Technology
600 General Technology
610 Medicine and Health
620 Engineering and Allied Operations
620 Engineering
620.1 Engineering Mechanics and Materials Science
620.11 Engineering Materials
620.3 Vibrations
621 Applied physics
621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting
621.39 Computer Engineering
621.391 General works on specific types of computers
621.392 Systems analysis and design, computer architecture
621.395 Circuitry
621.397 Storage
621.398 Interfacing and communications devices, peripherals
621.399 Devices for special computer methods
621.8 Machine Engineering
624 Civil Engineering
629 Other Branches
629.1 Aviation
629.2 Automotive engineering
629.28 Tests, driving, maintenance, repair
629.4 Astronauts and Space Travel
629.8 Automata
630 Agriculture & Related Technologies
640 Home and Family Management
650 Management and Auxiliary Services
660 Chemical Technology
670 Manufacturing
680 Manufacture of products for specific uses, handicrafts
690 Building
Class 700 – Arts and recreation
700 The Arts / Fine and decorative arts
709 Historical, geographic, persons treatment of fine and
790 Amusements and Recreation
Class 800 – Literature
800 By Topic
800 Literature: general works
804 Essays, lectures, addresses
Class 900 – History and geography
900 History
909 World History
910 Geography and Travel
Last updated